Select same type of
multiple visuals to format properties.
Imagine a Power Bi report which has 8 cards and you have 10
reports like that, in order to change the properties of all, how time consuming it is, but there is an easy way of doing it.
Power Bi allows to select multiple visuals by using “ctrl”
and click. So you need to select the multiple same type of visuals in order to work with them simultaneously.
In the above image you can notice that I have selected
multiple cards using “ctrl” and click and in the right side you can also notice
that it allows certain options to be used in the “format” pane here we can add
title, change back ground, add border and various artistic changes to the selected visuals.
Can you notice that I have done multiple common changes to
the selected visuals and it is applied to all? This method is very helpful when
you do common changes in multiple same type of visuals as it saves a lot of
time. This method only works for same type of visuals, for an example if you select five cards and a slicer as a sixth one, then you wont be able to change the properties like I mentioned.
So in-order for this to work there are simply two conditions.
1. The visuals has to be the same type, if it is a card visual all the other selected visuals has to be card.
2. The changes has to be common like assigning the same color as back ground.
So in-order for this to work there are simply two conditions.
1. The visuals has to be the same type, if it is a card visual all the other selected visuals has to be card.
2. The changes has to be common like assigning the same color as back ground.
Copy Paste visuals
within all the pages in the same report but not all the time.
Power Bi allows copy paste options within the same report. Unfortunately
you cannot do this within multiple reports but if you have multiple pages
within the same report it will help you to save a lot of time.
For an example if you have a logo which goes in all the
pages you can simply copy paste it, also if you have a visual which
goes on in multiple pages you can do the same, but it is not advisable to copy paste
visual which will later be replaced by other fields, here there is a higher
chance of visual malfunctioning, you won’t be able to identify the mistake
since everything might be correct but still the visual wont work properly,
most of the time it happens in the visuals you import from the store so be mined
full when copy pasting since it might end up killing a lot of time, but for
fixed field or static content like logo then copy pasting is a time saver.
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