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Showing posts from November, 2017

Tips to save time when working with Power BI

Select same type of multiple visuals to format properties. Imagine a Power Bi report which has 8 cards and you have 10 reports like that, in order to change the properties of all, how time consuming it is, but there is an easy way of doing it. Power Bi allows to select multiple visuals by using “ctrl” and click. So you need to select the multiple same type of visuals in order to work with them simultaneously. In the above image you can notice that I have selected multiple cards using “ctrl” and click and in the right side you can also notice that it allows certain options to be used in the “format” pane here we can add title, change back ground, add border and various artistic changes to the selected visuals. Can you notice that I have done multiple common changes to the selected visuals and it is applied to all? This method is very helpful when you do common changes in multiple same type of visuals as it saves a lot of time. This method only works f

Invoke a stored procedure in SQL server for a given parameter in Power BI

Case- In some cases we need to filter the data that has been imported from a SQL server database where it is not advisable to create a new query all the time. Prerequisite – You need to have a SQL server database where it should contain a two column table with "town-id" and ''town-name'' also you need to create a stored procedure to accept town-id as input parameter and return the town-name as out put.  We are going to run a native query in Power BI with changing parameter values so in order to avoid too many confirmations go to "Files" then "Option and Settings" then "Option" then "Security" then untick Require user approval for new database queries in Power BI. Calling a stored procedure from SQL server when importing data to Power BI As you can see above I have chosen “SQL Server” in the “get data” option from task bar in order to import data from SQL Server database. Then I have given the serve

Choosing color scheme for Power BI reports

Choosing beautiful colors for an attention seeking Power BI report is always challenging. Sometimes we may have an important message but it might go unseen if proper color scheme is not used, so it is important to create reports which are informational and visually appealing. In this blog our main objective is to get an idea about selecting appropriate color scheme and tools that can be beneficial to do this. What is a color scheme? As you all know not all colors look great together and you can tell stories by just having only two colors, have a look at the following image, there in the middle you can see a circle with same color and same dimension, only thing that changes is the back ground, but depending on the back ground the way you see those circles are totally different. Some small circles appear softer, some appear sharper, and some are brighter also you might notice movements or depth effect too. It is important to choose colors wisely to serve the purp