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Showing posts from February, 2018

The new “Sync Slicers” is it better than Drill through Feature in Power BI ?

Power BI is a visualization tool for intelligence analysis. In my personal carrier I have been working with this tool for over a period of half-year and the tool is very user-friendly with engaging UI and an easier learning curve. For the past few months, the arising question is to have a better filtering mechanism throughout the reports with multiple pages in power BI, so that people can precisely view what they want. This has been earlier enabled by the introduction of the drill-through feature which requires some hassle for the end-user to navigate to a specific point which involves multiple key presses and it is not a healthy experience in an end-user perspective.  The newly introduced sync slicers seem to be a better alternative than the drill through but how far does it fit and is it really better than the drill through? Let’s dig more on to this, and it's you to decide. First of all, I would like to say what does the sync slicers exactly does. “Sync slicer